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Who is this God?

There are few things which interest me more that those which I cannot understand. I must learn of, and know, that which puzzles me with its intrigues. It has always been so, and that which amazes me far more than words can convey is the character of God. His goodness overwhelms me, His kindness stuns me, His steadfastness amazes me. And, His power? It is more than I can comprehend. And, as great and holy as He is this magnificent God fully relates to a fallen mankind? That is absolutely stunning. Who is this God that He would be so kind? Man has little with which he can understand, next to nothing with which he can relate. For you see, we, the children of Adam, have never done anything to earn righteousness. We have never known perfection, never lived holy. Yet, the perfect, holy, and righteous God has seen fit to redeem us from all sin, if we would but ask Him. How can this be? Man cannot fathom such grace. We have been sinners, born to a race of sinners, and lost from before we were born unto the children of Adam. But, as lost, as wicked, as troublesome, as we have been to the Almighty He constantly reaches out with 'chesed' and offers help. Who is like unto this Lord? We sin, we defile, we destroy, both ourselves and others; it seems we are all but determined to decimate the goodness within our reach. And, still He patiently offers His help unto us time, after time, after time again. This God of heaven and earth simply asks that we allow Him to do those things which we cannot do ourselves. He is willing to pay the price, to carry the burden, to change the unchangeable, to right the wrongs... of all ages. From the beginning of mankind's history unto this day, and beyond into times and ages unknown to all but the Lord of the infinite He has said He would... that He will. Because, only He can. Only He can do the perfect work, fill the need, and make whole the broken. The first Adam fell, but instead of abandoning the fallen this God gave a promise that He will send another Adam, a greater Adam. Then God, Himself, became that Adam and crushed the serpent's head... He offered Himself up on a cross to die a horrible death in order to give you life, to redeem you from the curse of sin and the power of darkness. I ask you again, who is this God? We have all come through life falling short of every conceivable mark of righteousness, in short, we have sinned against both God and man with our nature as corrupt as it is short lived. Yet, the Eternal stands ready to lift us up again, and again, and again. And, again a thousand times if we only turn to Him and seek His cleansing power, that same power which raised the last Adam from the grave. For it is in the life and blood of the last Adam that the grace of God is realized and the age old promise of redemption is made known. This God can, and will, make of our old sin filled lives something entirely new. The Creator creates, after all. And, in Messiah we can become new creatures holy unto the Lord. If we know Him, and and ask Him, we can live in Him (and He in us), we will have been made righteous through His works... not through our own. And, the Torah wants us to be amazed at that. So... Who is this God? Can you answer the question? And, what is the name of the last Adam, tell it if you know...

These articles are meant to bring you a fresh pespective of the Bible, and to increase your interest in learning of the Biblical narrative.  




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