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The following Bibically based books are written by T. M. Kymalainen. They are available through and other book sales outlets. Enjoy.

The Genesis Mousetrap
The Biblical reasons for creation and redemption

The personage of God

The roles of the different heavens

The roles of angels in the universe

The reasons and events surrounding the angelic fall

The garden of Eden

The unique role of mankind

The reasons God seems so distant from mankind

And, much, much, more

The Genesis Mousetrap is the one stop answer shop for things Biblical!





The Empires of Image


The great night image of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream had volumes of important prophetic insight to share.


This book explains:


The differences between nations and empires.


The special role of Israel in world history.


The unique attributes of the great angel princes of empire, and how each has a different affect on mankind. 


How the angel princes came into their positions of power.


Who the seven heads of the great dragon (satan) really are. 


How you can be free from their wicked schemes of conquest.

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